Someone cutting their own bangs.

How to Cut Your Own Hair

Tips for Cutting Hair at Home

January 3, 2020

Getting a fringe (also known as bangs) is a cool way to upgrade your hairstyle. You can style bangs in a number of different ways. You can sweep your fringe to the side of your forehead, curl it, make it wavy or keep it poker straight. Also, bangs are suitable for any occasion, whether you are on a casual day out with friends, going to work, or attending a glamorous evening event. Cutting hair at home can be quite fun.

If you are interested in getting bangs, then you might want to see a hairdresser. Alternatively, for those of you who want to DIY, you can cut your own fringe at home and it is not as hard as it may seem.

Let’s find out more about cutting your hair at home and how to cut your own bangs.

The Pros of Cutting Your Own Hair

There are some upsides to cutting your own hair. First of all, you do not have to fork out a load of money to pay a hairdresser when you can pretty much do it yourself. Also, you do not have to deal with the extra hassle, which may include waiting times and making the journey to the hairdresser. Cutting your own hair can be done in your own time and at your convenience. This is more suitable for those who are on the go and have busy schedules.

Once you have learned how to cut your own hair at home, then you can rock out with the perfect bangs. If you get into the habit of cutting your own hair, then you can easily keep up with the maintenance without having to see a hairdresser.

The Cons of Cutting Your Own Hair

The downside of cutting your hair at home is if you get it wrong, then it is a bit of a disaster. You could end up with a hairstyle that does not look very good. Cutting your own hair without practice can really mess it up. Some people resort to cutting their own hair with a standard pair of scissors, which is a big no.

To avoid any potential hair disasters, it is best to watch tutorials on cutting hair to acquire salon pro techniques and practice on a doll. Alternatively, find a professional stylist who can cut your hair for you.

Tools and Supplies

To cut your own hair, you will need a sharp pair of hair scissors (kitchen scissors will not do) and a comb. You will also need clips to section your hair and a spray bottle filled with water because your hair needs to be damp before you can cut it.

How to Cut Your Own Bangs

First, find your bangs. Take your comb and part your hair from the top of your head. Secondly, spray the part with water until it is damp. This helps to get an even cut.

Then, determine the length of your bangs. Comb through and decide how much you would like to cut off using your index and middle fingers. Then, while keeping your index and middle fingers in position near the tip of the hair, cut horizontally. Take your time to trim and cut a couple of millimetres off at a time. Give your fringe a natural look by softening the edges. You can do this by making angled snips at the ends of your bangs.

Finish off by styling your bangs. You can do this by brushing, straightening or curling your fringe to give volume and definition.

How to Cut Your Own Dead Ends

Getting rid of split ends is important because they can leave hair looking dry and damaged. Even though you can get your dead ends trimmed by a hairdresser on a regular basis, it is also simple and convenient to do at home and you can still get healthy, fresh and beautiful hair.

To start off, your hair needs to be dry. Brush through your hair then divide into sections. Twist each section very tightly to reveal the split ends. The hair strands that stick out of the each twist are the dead ends, so gently snip away at each one. Start from the top and work your way down to the tip of the twist.

Repeat the process for each section. Once you are done, finish off by combing through your hair and then style as desired. An alternative method is to comb through damp hair, put the hair into sections then trim the tips of each section.

When to See a Professional

Sometimes it is better to pop into your local salon and have a professional cut your hair. If you are a newbie and not ready to cut your own hair yet, then seeing a hairstylist is a great way to give your hair the chop or get some bangs – and you can pick up some tips while at your appointment. Also, if you have got some time (and money) and you are getting your hair styled for a special occasion, then seeing a salon professional instead of cutting your hair at home is better for a super stylish look.