A woman is deep conditioning her hair

DIY deep conditioners will help you treat your hair naturally.

6 Amazing DIY Deep Conditioner Hair Treatments

September 7, 2018

Sometimes, even the healthiest and shiniest hair needs some TLC. There are a plethora of treatments available in drugstores all over the world; however, you will often get best results with the good old-fashioned creativity and resourcefulness.

Making your own DIY deep conditioner will ensure that you are not treating your hair with unknown substances and chemicals, are you are completely in control of the ingredients and the making process of your product.

By doing that, you are avoiding harsh chemicals and silicone build-up, and making sure that your hair stays healthy and shiny.

How Often Should You Deep Condition Your Hair?

First things first, let’s address the burning question: How often should you be using a deep conditioner on your hair?

The answer to this question lies in your lifestyle choices. Ideally, you should be deep conditioning after every wash; however, it is okay to skip it if you are using a clarifying shampoo and deep condition every other wash.

If you are washing your hair two or three times a week, not using heat styling tools, and have virgin hair, you’re okay if you skip the deep conditioning treatment once in a while.

However, if you are a swimmer, if you are heat styling your hair often, if you have colored hair, damaged hair, if you are outside for the most of the day, and if your hair is dry and prone to breakage, and especially if you are washing your hair every day, you should by all means deep condition every time you wash your lovely locks.

Girls and boys with dry, curly hair and professional swimmers should take the time to deep condition after each wash, but if you are not being too hard on your hair, it is okay to skip it here and there to avoid over-conditioning.

DIY Deep Conditioner for Damaged Hair

Damaged hair needs some love and a lot of moisture to come back to its previous glorious self. Luckily, there are a lot of recipes for DIY deep conditioners for damaged hair that do wonders and transform your locks from dull and sad to bouncy and shiny.

Fighting hair damage is not easy, but with consistency and proper care, your hair can become healthy and strong again.

Avocado Deep Conditioner/Mask

A healthy and revitalizing DIY deep conditioner that will bring life back to your hair is avocado based. Avocados are not just delicious, and they are amazing for your curls as well, so give this mask a try and watch your hair transform into its shiny, happy self.

You’ll need:


  1. Mash your avocado and add the oil to it.
  2. Mix it a bit and add the mayo and honey. (Adjust the consistency by adding more mayonnaise. If needed, you can add a few dollops of the moisturizing conditioner.)
  3. Put the mixture on your hair and put a shower cap on, or wrap it with plastic wrap.
  4. After about 20 minutes, rinse it out.

Egg Yolk DIY Deep Conditioner

Everyone knows that eggs have a high protein content, and we also know that damaged hair needs protein to recover. Using egg yolk on your hair will ensure that you are providing enough fats and protein to nourish it and bring moisture back to it.

You will need:


  1. Beat the egg yolk(s) and add a tablespoon of coconut oil to it.
  2. Massage the mixture into your hair and let sit for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  3. After that, rinse it out and shampoo and condition as you normally would.

DIY Deep Conditioner for Dry Hair

Dry hair can be a pain sometimes. It is not soft to the touch, it becomes frizzy, and it tangles easily that you might consider just letting it turn into dreadlocks naturally.

Dry hair is also more prone to breakage, so treating it with a DIY deep conditioner will help prevent that, and will help you manage your hairstyle easier.

Try to avoid heat styling tools and try not to overwash your hair so as not to strip it of moisture.

Banana Yogurt DIY Deep Conditioner

Bananas are delicious in smoothies and cakes, as well as on their own, but they are also amazing for your skin and hair.

You will need:


  1. Mash the bananas with a fork and add the yogurt.
  2. Mix well and add in the honey and oil.
  3. Once you are happy with the consistency (adjust that with yogurt), apply the mixture to your hair, put on a shower cap, and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. After 30 minutes, rinse it out and proceed with your normal shampoo/conditioner routine.

Oil and Herb DIY Deep Conditioner

We all know that oils are fantastic for your hair, but mixing them with herbs will do wonders! You can pretty much use any oil you have and any herbs you find in your pantry, but obviously, if you have access to fresh herbs use them!

You will need:


  1. Heat the oil (or oils) over a low flame.
  2. Add in the herbs and heat for a few minutes.
  3. After about 5 minutes, take the pot off the flame and press the herbs with a fork or a spoon while still in oil.
  4. Let the mixture cool completely before taking out the herbs and applying to your hair.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes or overnight, and proceed with your usual routine.

DIY Deep Conditioner for Natural Hair

Natural hair is beautiful and proves that mother nature is never wrong. Natural hair usually fits your face and skin tone perfectly and is often much healthier than processed hair, but you still want to give it all the love that it deserves.

If your hair is naturally very curly, that can prevent the oils from your scalp to travel down the hair, and that can make it dry, so applying a deep conditioner after each wash will help with that issue.

Coconut Milk DIY Deep Conditioner

Coconut milk can stimulate hair growth, and the protein in it will help with the dryness and frizz.

You will need:


  1. Heat the coconut milk until warm, dissolve the honey in it and add the oil.
  2. Wait until cool or lukewarm and apply to your hair.
  3. Leave overnight and rinse off in the morning.

Shea Butter and Castor Oil DIY Deep Conditioner

Shea butter is amazing for both hair and skin, and you can use it every day to retain moisture. Castor oil does wonders for your hair, and it promotes hair growth as well as moisture retention.

You will need:


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a small pot and heat until the butter is melted over a low flame.
  2. Wait until the mixture cools a bit and apply to your hair and roots.
  3. Wrap your hair and leave overnight. In the morning wash your hair normally.