Stop eyelashes falling out to have full, lush lashes like these women.

How to Put a Halt to Eyelash Loss and Regrow Your Lashes

How to Stop Your Eyelashes Falling Out

August 15, 2016

Noticing some eyelashes falling out is normal, but major eyelash loss can be cause for concern. It’s stressful and impacts on your self-esteem, as well as sometimes being a sign of health issues.

Before we give up on ever having the lashes of our dreams, let’s take a look at some basic eyelash facts, common reasons why our lashes may be lacking, and what we can do about it.

Eyelash Facts

  1. Eyelashes are comprised of a mixture of water and proteins.
  2. Eyelashes typically grow slowly, at a rate of around 1/4th of an inch a month. If an eyelash is pulled out from the root, it will begin to grow back somewhere between 6 and 9 weeks later. Due to this slow regrowth rate, it may take anywhere from 13 to 16 weeks before you notice the length of any new lashes.
  3. The curled appearance of an eyelash is designed to help protect the eyes from harmful substances, such as dust particles, sweat, and other foreign debris.
  4. The average person has between 80 and 165 individual lashes on their upper eyelid. There are between 50 to 75 individual lashes on the average bottom eyelid.

Common Causes of Eyelash Loss

Madarosis is the clinical term used to describe eyelash loss. There are several reasons that may cause this condition.

Treatment and Enhancement Options

Western culture considers long, curled lashes beautiful. If you have short eyelashes, don’t despair. There are a wide variety of treatments and enhancement options available to help turn those short, less-than-satisfactory lashes into the lush lashes of your dreams.

Medical conditions aside, you might want to consider cosmetic lash enhancements. Options include volumizing mascara that contains lengthening fibers, growth serums, lash extensions, or even trying false eyelashes.