woman receiving dermaroller treatment on her forehead

Dermarolling has been a popular beauty trend that many are including in their regular skincare routines. But what does a dermaroller do?

What Does a Dermaroller Do?

Everything You Need to Know About This Beauty Trend

June 7, 2019

Dermarolling has been a popular beauty trend that many are including in their regular skincare routines. But what is a dermaroller? What does it do? And can using a dermaroller provide any benefits? If so, what are the benefits of using a dermaroller? Well, let’s find out!

What Is a Dermaroller?

A dermaroller is a form of microneedling. It’s a tool that contains a mini wheel that’s covered in tiny needles and it works by gently prickling the face. This might sound painful, but they do work to clear away acne scars, fade fine lines and even out skin tone. It can even work to increase skin elasticity because dermarollers stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in a natural way.

What Does a Dermaroller Do?

A dermaroller works by improving the appearance of the skin without the need to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures such as botox, chemical peels and microdermabrasion – and without having to deal with the side effects of these alternative cosmetic procedures.

A dermaroller contains tiny needles that puncture the skin to stimulate collagen production, skin repair and cell regeneration. This helps to eliminate — or reduce — acne scars, signs of aging, cellulite, and other common skin complaints. It can even work to reduce hair loss!

Dermaroller Benefits

There are many pros and cons of using a dermaroller, and if used correctly, you can achieve the benefits of using one. Here are the benefits of using a dermaroller:

How to Use a Dermaroller

It’s recommended to see a qualified beauty professional for this treatment. However, if you want a do-it-yourself method, here’s how to use a dermaroller at home.

Follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, take precaution before using this tool as it
    contains tiny needles that will penetrate the skin. Make sure you disinfect and sterilize your dermaroller before each use.
  2. Before using your dermaroller, you need to have clean and clear
    skin. Cleanse your skin with a gentle skin cleanser and wash your face.
    Make sure you disinfect your skin if your dermaroller contains long needles.
  3. If you have a low pain threshold or have sensitive skin, then consider applying a numbing cream.
  4. Start using your dermaroller by rolling it on one part of your
    face in a vertical direction.
  5. Then, roll the dermaroller horizontally across the face. Don’t go across the face diagonally. You should spend a maximum of two minutes
    using your dermaroller. If you spend too long then you risk over microneedling your face, and you should aim to use the dermaroller a
    maximum of three to five times a week.
  6. When you’ve finished using your dermaroller, you should rinse
    your face with water.
  7. Then, hydrate and heal your skin. You can use a hydrating facial mask.
  8. Clean the dermaroller in a bowl of soap and water. Then disinfect the dermaroller.

By following these steps and by using it regularly, you can be sure to achieve the benefits of dermaroller and see results on your skin and on your complexion.

You can use the dermaroller a home or your can see a qualified professional who can give the regular microneedling treatments using a dermaroller.

Also, you don’t have to have experienced the signs of aging to start using a dermaroller. Collagen and elastin production reduce from your mid twenties, so a dermaroller than help to stimulate that production, and by doing that, you can fight against the visible signs of aging.

When using a dermaroller, be sure to take the necessary precautions as mentioned in the step-by-step guide. Do not ever share your dermaroller with someone else because that’s not hygienic and poses a potential risk of infection or complications.

If you use a dermaroller, let us know how it’s worked for you. If you’ve never used a dermaroller and you’re thinking of using one, then try it out and let us know what you think.

Do you use a dermaroller? Do you see a beauty professional for dermaroller treatments or do you use a dermaroller at home? Would you try microneedling?