A woman battling the cold weather after using a winter skincare routine.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin in the Winter

The Best Winter Skincare Routines

December 13, 2019

Tis’ the season to step up your skincare routine. With winter comes festivities and fun, but it can also affect the condition of your skin. The good news is that you can keep your skin in top condition and protect it against the chill with proper winter skincare.

Let’s take a look at why you should take care of your skin in the winter, common issues with the skin at this time of year and the right products to use to help boost your skin against the cold.

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Skin in the Winter

Taking care of your skin is important all year round, but it is even more of a priority in the winter months because winter can negatively impact the skin. This is because of the seasonal switch from high to low temperatures, the cold climate and the harsh air. All these factors can damage the skin by drying it out, leaving it rough and chapped, and it can make retaining moisture more of a challenge.

Other factors to consider too are indoor heaters and hot baths. These can suck the moisture out of the skin, making it much more prone to dryness. If your skin is dry and lacking in nourishment, then it is much more likely to age quickly, and it is likely to become flaky.

Taking care of your skin means using high quality products and receiving the right kind of skincare treatments to hydrate and revitalize your skin to keep it healthy, strong and youthful.

Common Issues With Skin in the Winter

Aside from dry skin, there are other skin issues too such as irritation and redness. Winter can cause chapped and cracked lips. This can lead to discomfort, making your lips look unsightly.

Contrary to popular belief, UV rays are just as present in winter as they are in the summer, so it is important to protect your skin with sunscreen all year round. UV rays can damage the skin and cause it to age quickly, increasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you have skin conditions such as breakouts, eczema or psoriasis, then winter can cause these issues to flare up. This is because loss of moisture can trigger the skin.

How to Avoid Common Issues With Skin in the Winter

There are a number of things you can do to combat common skin issues in the winter to keep your skin protected.

First, you should always moisturize your skin. Moisturize your skin every day after a bath or a shower. This will help keep your skin hydrated, nourished and revitalized. This will also reduce dryness. Taking short, lukewarm showers instead of hot showers is better because they are less likely to dry out your skin.

Another way to protect your skin against the cold chill is to boost your immunity and keep yourself happy and healthy. Consume a healthy diet full of nutrients, drink plenty of water, exercise, get plenty of sleep and keep stress at a minimum. Plus, consider skin boosting treatments such as facials, which you can do at home.

Products to Use in the Winter

Add these skincare products to your routine to help protect your skin and keep it nourished:

How do you take care of your skin in the winter?