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How to Find Out What Type of Skin You Have

Finding and Understanding Your Skin Type

As human beings, we are all different in so many ways. We all have different appearances. We all have different skin tones. And we all have different skin types.

Different skin types have different requirements. When you know your skin type, then you can implement the right skincare regimen, and you can find the right beauty products that work for you.

What Type of Skin Do I Have?

So how do you find out your skin type? Well, it’s a lot easier than you might think. There are two methods you can follow to determine your skin type.

Using the Bare-Faced Method to Discover Your Skin Type

The first one is the bare-faced method.

To do this, you should completely cleanse your face and gently pat dry. Then, follow the ‘bare-faced’ aspect of this method: leave your skin bare and don’t apply anything to your complexion. After half an hour, examine your face and look at your cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead for any shine. Then give yourself another half an hour and then examine again.

If your skin feels tight, then it’s dry. If you have a shine on your nose and forehead, then you have normal/combination skin. If you have shine on your nose, forehead, and cheeks, then you have oily skin. If your skin feels sore, then you have sensitive skin.

Find Out Your Skin Type With the Blotting Sheet Method

The second method is the blotting sheet method.

Gently pat a sheet of blotting paper on the different areas of your face. Take a look at the sheet. If you have very little or no oil on the sheet, then you have dry skin. If you have oil from the nose or forehead, then you have normal/combination skin. If the sheet picks up a lot of oil, then you have oily skin.

Try Online Quizzes or Visit Your Local Beauty Shop

You can also figure out your skin type by completing online tests and quizzes run by some skincare brands, or you can pop into your local beauty store and speak to a skincare consultant, and they’ll help you to find out your skin type.

The Five Different Types of Skin

There are five different skin types

  1. Normal
  2. Combination
  3. Oily
  4. Sensitive
  5. Dry

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Normal or Combination Skin

Normal/combination skin gets dryness on the cheeks. Even though normal/combination skin is usually free from breakouts and has a moisturized t-zone, finding a skincare product that’s lightweight and nourishing and gentle exfoliation are important – but don’t overdo your skincare routine with this skin type.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is prone to breakouts and post-inflammatory because the pores are congested and clogged. Gently exfoliating and cleansing with a cleanser that’s formulated for oily skin (and with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients) is key. However, there is an upside to oily skin: oily skin tends to have a youthful appearance because it has a lot of moisture.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is prone to soreness, flare-ups inflammation and irritation. To deal with sensitive skin, it’s important to be highly selective when looking for the right skincare products. Try to use products that are free from toxins and are formulated with natural and organic ingredients.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can feel parched, tight and dehydrated. Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, environmental pollutants, diet (drinking lots of water can help to combat dry skin and alcohol, and caffeine dry out the skin), hormonal changes, and the climate (the winter season severely dries out the skin).

To deal with dry skin, it helps to exfoliate the skin and moisturize with hydrating body butters, essential oils, and serums.

What Type of Makeup Should I Buy for My Skin Type?

Now that you understand your skin complexion a little more, it’s time to discover what type of makeup products work best with your skin type.

To truly determine the type of makeup products that you should buy for your skin, it helps if you speak to a beauty consultant.

Normal or Combination Skin

For normal/combination skin types, look for cosmetic items that will absorb excess oil, prevent dryness and keep the skin moisturized. Find lightweight makeup products that will keep the skin hydrated and well-nourished with long-lasting effects.

Oily Skin

For oily skin types, seek out makeup products that will absorb excess oil without drying out the skin and avoid ingredients that will trigger excess oil production.

Matte, semi-matte and shine-proof products are the best makeup products for oily skin because they reduce and prevent excess oil production as well as boosting your complexion.

Pro tip: if you’re looking for a foundation for oily skin, be sure it’s noncomedogenic, so it doesn’t clog or block your pores causing you to produce more oil!

Sensitive Skin

For sensitive skin types, avoid makeup products that contain harsh chemicals – such as sulfates, parabens and synthetics fragrances – that will irritate the skin. Opt-in for makeup products that are natural and have been formulated with organic ingredients.

For example, fragrance-free lip balms will moisturize your lips with irritating your skin.

Dry Skin

For dry skin types, it helps to use cosmetic products that have a moisturizing element. For example, if you’re looking for the right foundation or the right product to boost your complexion, seek out creamy foundations and tinted moisturizers, as opposed to using powder foundation.