Yoghurt is a common ingredient in DIY hair masks

Try These DIY Hair Masks at Home

The Best DIY Hair Masks to Try

Everyone loves a good beauty DIY. They’re affordable, they’re easy and usually you already own half the ingredients so it’s a win-win.

DIY treatments can often be better than store-bought treatments, mostly because they work with entirely natural ingredients. Haircare is definitely an area where more often than not, DIYs are better.

There are so many natural ingredients that can work miracles on your hair, so it’s probably better for you to try them out rather than dropping hundreds of dollars at Sephora. We’ve gathered a DIY hair mask to cater to four different hair needs. Once you try these, you’ll never go back.

Before we get into the DIY hair mask recipes, let’s take a look at the ingredients we’re going to be using and how they work their magic!


Coconut has always been a multi-purpose fruit. Every one of its components has an amazing beauty purpose; from coconut oil to milk, to simply drinking its water!

When it comes to hair coconut is amazing at repairing any damage. Most importantly, it’s super nourishing and can hydrate your hair like nothing else.

For an easy quick one ingredient DIY hair mask treatment you can always just apply coconut oil to your and sleep in it, then rinse off in the morning. That’s guaranteed to give your hair a drink of hydration.


Another cure-all product, honey has been known to be healing for years now. People use it as a treatment for burns, or as a face mask; and it works on your hair too!

Honey will restore any shine or radiance your hair has been missing. Don’t feel threatened by the strange texture; this will be a lot easier to work with when combined with other ingredients in the recipes below.

Olive Oil

Another grandma-fave, olive oil isn’t just for the cooking pan- it can be an amazing natural conditioner. This ingredient works wonders at locking in moisture and repairing damaged hair or split ends.


Yoghurt works in face masks to be super soothing and helping sensitive skin, when it comes to your hair it actually helps dull hair. It adds shine and radiance to lacklustre locks!

For The Oily-Haired Girl

  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • An overripe banana
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey
  1. Blend the bananas; keep going until it is chunk-less. Take your time with this step to make sure you get a smooth creamy texture.
  2. Add in honey and the coconut and olive oil, and then proceed to really blend them into the banana mixture.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it in for 5-10 minutes. Wash it out and brush through your hair to make sure everything is out, and then go back for one more rinse.

This recipe is filled with amazing ingredients like potassium and vitamins. Most importantly vitamin C which works to regulate your hair’s oil production.

For The Frizzy-Haired Girl

  • ½ cup of yoghurt
  • ½ cup of honey
  • 1 tbsp of almond oil
  1. Mix the yoghurt and honey together, really whisking them together.
  2. Then add in the tablespoon of almond oil and fold it in.
  3. Apply to hair and leave this in for 20 minutes before washing it out with your shampoo.

Sticking to using this DIY hair mask regularly can you leave your hair constantly frizz-free. It’s the almond oil in this recipe that really softens the hair down to help avoid any frizz or flyaways.

For The Dry-Haired Girl

  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ¼ cup yoghurt
  1. Mix the honey into the yoghurt, blend well to smooth out the honey’s texture.
  2. Add in the olive oil, then apply to damp hair.
  3. Leave it in for 15-20 minutes and then wash it out (you shouldn’t need any shampoo, especially if you have really dry hair).

This DIY hair mask recipe clearly combines the three most nourishing and hydrating ingredients, they all work together to give your hair the tall glass of water it needs. The olive oil alone is guaranteed to leave your hair shiny; combined with the nourishment of honey and soothing yoghurt –your hair will be looking healthy as ever!

For The Girl That Needs Softer Hair

  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • A squeeze of lemon
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  1. Crack an egg into a bowl and beat it.
  2. Grab another bowl and mix the coconut milk and olive oil together.
  3. Add a squeeze of lemon into the second mixture.
  4. Combine the two mixtures together and massage it into your scalp.
  5. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it out.

Aside from being the perfect breakfast food, eggs are filled with vitamins and protein that can really retain moisture and add extra shine. Along with the coconut oil that keeps your hair soft. The lemon works perfectly to counteract any chances of this mixture leaving your hair oily, it absorbs the excess oil to leave it soft and smooth!