man applying cream under eyes

Types of Eye Cream

The Benefits of Using a Specialized Cream

Our eyes can tell a story, but our under eyes can reveal our age. Some women love to apply a heavy amount of this product every day of their lives, while others only stick to a moisturizer. But the truth is, eye creams can be quite beneficial for your skin. If you wish to know which eye cream is ideal for your skin type, age, or little imperfection which you are trying to cover; you’ll find your answers down below!

What Is An Eye Cream?

Plenty of women believe that they can skip on applying eye cream on a daily, and get away with it. Some of them even think that eye creams are moisturizers packed in a smaller tube which are only the beauty industries way of making us shop for more items.

However, eye creams are filled with nutrients and goodies which your skin needs on a daily. They are also highly recommended for mature skin and they are not a scam.

Here’s what you should know about eye creams:

  • They are thicker in consistency and a little of the product goes a long way
  • They absorb into the skin easily
  • They are specially formulated for your under-eye skin since it is so sensitive and delicate
  • An eye cream can help with fine lines, puffiness, darkness and loss of moisture
  • It should be used by women only once they are in their mid-twenties
  • They can be used by men as well

Top 4 Different Types Of Eye Cream

Cream For Dryness

If your skin is naturally dry there is a slight chance that your under eyes are as well. You probably use several different kinds of moisturizers but none of them work on top of your thick dry skin. You should use cream which is made for dry under-eyes and strive for ingredients such as:

  • Shea butter
  • Jojoba oil
  • Flower wax
  • Hyaluronic acid

Who Should Use It?

You probably have drier skin but not as many wrinkles. Your skin is super thin and fragile, and it can easily crack in the winter? This eye cream is appropriate for you, but also for younger women as well as those who are just starting to use eye creams.

Cream For Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles around our eyes happen due to squinting, smoking, as well as when making facial expressions which can stretch out our skin. These will also often happen due to aging, which is something you can’t naturally prevent. However, you can slow down the process by grabbing a cream which is filled with:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Glycerin
  • Co-enzyme Q10

Who Should Use It?

Women who are in their forties and up to sixties will love these creams. They will shrink your skin and will allow your wrinkles to appear smaller, flatter and smoother over time.

Cream For Puffiness

Puffiness is often associated with the lack of sleep, but it can also happen due to allergies, crying, as well as alcohol. Women who have puffy eyes should also incorporate a cooling pad or cooling cushions which they will place on top and underneath their eyelids every here and there. Cream wise, make sure it is filled with:

  • Peptides
  • Always go for a roll-on applicator since it will encourage drainage
  • Vitamin C
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Ginseng

Who Should Use It?
Both younger and older women who have been experiencing puffiness. Also those who are prone to allergies and who have sensitive skin which easily flares up.

Cream For Dark Circles

Dark circles can, unfortunately, be hereditary. But they can also be caused by staying up too late, lack of sleep, allergies, as well as sun exposure. If you want to get rid of them, make sure your cream has:

  • Caffeine
  • Peptides
  • Light-reflecting mica
  • Black or chamomile tea

Who Should Use It?

Use the cream if you have visibly darker circles than when compared to the rest of your face. Women who are in their late forties usually choose this as their go-to. However, this cream can also be used by those in their twenties if this is a hereditary condition that runs in their family.

What Is The Right Way To Apply An Eye Cream?

Every brand will have different instructions. Some manufacturers will advise you to use an eye cream only at night, while others believe that these can be used in the morning as well. Make sure you read the back label of your purchased product and only then apply it accordingly.

However, always apply the eye cream onto cleansed skin and after you’ve applied your moisturizer.

You can also double-stack and use two different kinds if you are trying to deal with two different issues, but make sure that your previous cream has soaked into the skin before you move forwards. Wait for 15-20 minutes and then apply it.